Collaborative project, Folkwang University & TU Braunschweig, 2017
Oneliner – an 3d-printed outdoor furniture from concrete- emerged out of collective, explorative and open-ended work dynamics inspired by
textile crafts like weaving or braiding. Additive manufacturing has made it possible to create highly customized, complex and organic structures in a single step – we sought to find a form that embraced and highlighted the unknown and hidden aesthetics of 3D concrete printing, developing a language that utilized 3D printing as a stylistic element rather than concealing it. We developed parametric shapes and controlled
and modified robotic paths through practical experiments with a desktop robot arm (Universal Robot) and the visual coding tool and data interface Grasshopper. In this technologically complex project, we became
digital crafters or maker-cyborgs, with our crafts(wo)manship extended by robotic technology, with which we communicated through the beautiful precision of code.

Group work together with Dan Geffert, Julius Göttsche, Imke Dries.
Collaborative project between Faculty of Industrial Design, Folkwang University & Faculty of Architecture, TU Braunschweig, directed by Prof. Neudecker.